Donations of Masks and Relief Supplies

We have received a great number of relief supplies, including masks and sanitizer, from both home and abroad, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who sent in donations.

The supplies will be passed on to the Kodokan Judo Institute, The All Japan Judo Federation and other related places where needed.

▼Organizations that donated masks and sanitizer

・江蘇省柔道運動協会 Jiangsu Judo sports  association

・日中友好青島柔道館  Japan China Judo Friendship Halls in Qingdao

・日中友好南京柔道館  Japan China Judo Friendship Halls in and Nanjing

・日中友好南京柔道館 溧水分館 

Japan China Judo Friendship Halls in and Nanjing ,Lishui annex

・南京乾廷体育発展有限会社 NangJing  QianTing  Sports Development Limited

・三友国際株式会社  SanYu KokuSai Co., Ltd.

・神光株式会社 Shinko Co., Ltd.

・有限会社ファンタジーケミカル  fantasychemical  Ltd.

・株式会社アットライズ attrise Co., Ltd.

・金 志偉 JIN,ZHIWEI (2019年度コーチングセミナー修了生)