INOUE Kosei JUDOs will start the Official YouTube channel soon.

INOUE Kosei, JUDOs starts Official YouTube channel.

We would like to show you the seminars for judo coaches in the world, called “Coaching Webinar”

We will introduce you our shihan and students.

MITSUMOTO Kenji is shihan.

HARAGUCHI Naoya is Assistant Coach.

(2016~2019 Head coach for UAE national team, Junior and Cadet category)

Ms. Anriquelis Barrios(Venezuela), Ms. Dabonne Zouleiha Abzetta(Cote d’lvoire),and

Mr. Nikon Zaboroscic(Moldova) are the students. They are IOC scholarship members.

Also, WATANABE Shingo from Hamana Dojo.

Being uploaded tomorrow!

It’s coming soon!