

理事長井上 康生


そのなかでいつも感じてきたのは、柔道およびスポーツが、国、人種、宗教、政治、文化などの違いを超え、多様性を認め合う社会の実現におおきく貢献しているということです。 とくに柔道は人間教育としての側面が多くの人の共感を集め、柔道創始者・嘉納治五郎師範の掲げた「精力善用」「自他共栄」の思想とともに広く普及し、人々の暮らしに深く根を下ろしています。





President’s Address

Since becoming an athlete, I have travelled around the world, visiting numerous cities and regions, carrying my judo uniform with me, and interacting with a great number of people
I have always held the view that judo and other sports are able to make a meaningful contribution to society, one which transcends national, racial, religious, political, and cultural differences and recognizes diversity.

In particular the humanistic education role of judo has won the sympathy of many people. This, together with the teachings of Jigoro Kano founder of judo, ‘Using one’s mental and physical strength in the most efficient manner.’ ‘Mutual prosperity for oneself and others” have spread widely and are deeply rooted in people’s lives.

Conversely, international conflict and changes in the global environment mean that the situation surrounding sports is often complex and fluid, due to successive changes in social structure. Judo is no exception and there are still people who require assistance in many countries and regions.

JUDOs NPO was established with this very much in mind and our aim is to contribute to the spread and development of judo and other sports, both at home and abroad.

We hope to continue making a small contribution to the realization of a more diverse and prosperous society and the building of world peace through judo and sports by supporting the development of athletes and young people in various countries and regions around the world, and by actively promoting exchange with various sports and other fields.

We hope that your views align with our founding principles and that you will continue to be part of our activities.

認定特定非営利活動法人JUDOs 理事長

JUDOs NPO President
